SaaS Marketing KPI Scorecard Excel Template

      Keep track of your SaaS metrics with this marketing metrics Excel template!

      Create your monthly scorecard with our marketing KPI metrics spreadsheet template. Download your copy for:

      • Tracking metrics across the buying journey - split by production, financial, awareness, consideration, decision, and delight marketing KPIs

      • Descriptions of each KPI and logic on how to calculate

      • Advice on how often to collect the metrics and who to share them with

      • Jump off and goal tracking

      • Full marketing KPI examples to inspire yours

      Download Your Marketing KPIs Excel Scorecard

      SaaS Marketing KPIs FAQs

      Got questions about what KPIs you should set, how to track them, and how this template helps We've got answers!

      • A marketing KPI is a key performance indicator that relates to the goals of your marketing plan and strategy.

        Marketing performance indicators will flow from your SMART goals to your broader business goals.

        The KPI is typically based on a jump-off point (the previous year's performance) or an industry benchmark.

        Based on that number, the goal then stretches your performance to a new level. This is determined by budget, resource, and market factors such as buyer profile and buying appetite.

        The KPI then is measured on a daily, weekly, monthly, or quarterly basis - tracking the jump-off point, your actual performance, and how that relates to the KPI's target.


      • This is dependent on these factors:

        • Your technology stack
        • Your resources
        • What metrics matter

        From here, you'll need to input data into your scorecard manually or have a marketing dashboard like that in HubSpot.

        Then, you determine the frequency of KPI collection.

        For things like your budget vs. actual spend, it's best to do it monthly.

        For marketing's influence on the pipe, you'll want to think about quarterly.

        For PLG metrics, you'll want a daily week that will feed into a weekly summary.

      • Your marketing KPIs have to be linked to your plan. Every plan is different, but let's run through some example marketing KPIs based on an inbound and demand generation plan:


        • Blogs produced
        • Active LinkedIn adverts
        • Contacts added to outreach funnel


        • Organic web visits to blog
        • LinkedIn profiles viewed
        • LinkedIn profiles messaged
        • LinkedIn ads impressions
        • LinkedIn ads CTR


        • Newsletter sign-ups
        • LinkedIn ad content downloads
        • LinkedIn connection requests accepted
        • LinkedIn meetings booked
        • Pricing page viewed
        • MQLs
        • MQL hand-raisers (demo/trial booking)


        • SQLs (discovery calls booked)


        • G2 reviews from resulting customers
        • Case studies from resulting customers


        • Cost per subscriber
        • Cost per MQL
        • Cost per MQL hand-raiser
        • Cost per SQL
      • "If you can't measure something, you can't understand it. If you can't understand it, you can't control it. If you can't control it, you can't improve it."