theorytwenty7 vs. In-House Marketing

Marketing is the way to scale a SaaS start-up 

Find out where to start with growing your marketing with the help of theorytwenty7.

What’s Challenging?

Whether hiring internally now or in the future, it’s hard to know who to hire, when, and what role they’ll play. Here’s how we help with building internal marketing teams.

You wear many hats, and while you’re a great leader, you’re spread too thin. But you’re reluctant to let go of marketing. Of course - your product is your baby, you’ve spent countless hours, effort, and money to build it.

So, you look to build internal marketing. Is that easy? Nope. Here’s what we’ve found working with and talking to startup tech CEOs:

Hiring Talent Costs

Attracting marketing talent isn’t easy. Building a high-performing marketing team requires people who have tech DNA, great skills, and culturally match your business.

Choosing Skills

Marketing has many disciplines - digital marketers are different from brand marketers, paid ads aren’t SEO etc. Having diverse skills in a marketing team is crucial for covering all aspects of marketing effectively and driving your strategies.

Scaling Is Hard

As your company grows, the marketing team must scale in step. This isn’t about adding headcount, it’s ensuring the right people are found, and their work contributes positively to the quality and quantity of marketing.

Resource Unknown

Determining the budget for marketing - campaigns, OPEX, and tech, isn’t easy. Balancing costs for keeping the lights on (OPEX), promoting the product (showtime), and having the right tech stack is needed to optimize every dollar.

Leadership Gap

Building an internal marketing team requires leadership and alignment to business goals. An experienced leader ensuring marketing aligns with all your targets.

Collaboration with other departments

Marketing isn’t good when done in a bubble. The way marketing collaborates and communicates with leaders, sales, product, and customer success matters.


What appetite does the average marketer have for change? Innovation is necessary for your marketing engine. Committing to learning and new strategies, scanning competition, and understanding buyers takes a marketing team that can and will adapt.

Data-Driven Decisions

Being data-driven in a the marketing team involves implementing analytics tools, collecting and analyzing data, and using insights to drive marketing strategies, optimize campaigns, and measure performance. And humility to know when to change.

Learning and development

Encouraging continuous learning is vital for any marketing team's success, but it comes at a cost. Providing opportunities for training, attending industry events, and staying ahead of emerging trends requires additional budget.

Where To Start?

Whether hiring internally now or in the future, it’s hard to know who to hire, when, and what role they’ll play. 

You wear many hats, and you’re spread thin. But you’re reluctant to let go of marketing. Your product is your baby, and you’ve spent countless hours, effort, and money building it.

So, you look to build internal marketing. Is that easy? Nope.

Here’s what we know from working with SaaS start-ups.

Hiring Talent Costs

Attracting SaaS marketing talent isn’t easy - or cheap. Building your marketing team takes people with SaaS DNA, great skills, and a cultural match for your business.

Choosing Skills

Marketers are not the same - digital is different from brand marketers, and paid ads aren’t SEO. Start-ups typically choose generalists, but this creates a ceiling for your growth.

Scaling Is Hard

As you grow, marketing must scale in step. It's not about headcount, but more ensuring you bring in skilled talent that contributes to the quality and quantity of marketing.

Resource Unknown

It's hard to budget for marketing campaigns, OPEX, and tech. Optimizing every dollar is key to keeping the lights on (OPEX), promoting the product (showtime), and using the right tech.

Leadership Gap

Building an internal marketing team at a start-up requires leadership that can get everyone on board with marketing and execute the work. That's hard to find.


Marketing isn’t good when done in a bubble. It's crucial that you find marketers who can collaborate with leaders, sales, product, and customer success.


You need marketers who embrace change. That's not only staying on top of SEO, PPC, positioning, competitors, and marketing tech shifts, but being ready to capitalize on this.

Data-Driven Decisions

Marketers need to collect and analyze data to improve. From positioning to campaigns and lead scoring, they need to measure and have the humility to know when to change.

Learning And Development

Continuous learning is vital for every marketer, but it comes at a cost. Training, attending industry events, and staying ahead of emerging trends require an additional budget.

What Does A SaaS Start-Up Marketing Team Look Like?

Here's a typical internal team from role to play to the market rate to pay.

Chief Marketing Officer SaaS
Chief Marketing Officer / Director of Marketing

Years experience needed: 10
Cost: $130,000

The Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) or Director of Marketing is the visionary of your team. They’re there to create the market strategy with sales and product, build a 3-year strategy, and supporitng annual plan. They’re the voice of the prospect in your business, and their job is to build relationships internally to champion them.

Marketing Operations Manager SaaS
Marketing Operations Manager

Years experience needed: 5
Cost: $85,000

The Marketing Operations Manager (MOM) is there to act as the right hand to the CMO. Their responsibilities range from managing the marketing tech stack, process mapping, and lead management to performance management, budgeting, and resource allocation. They’re critical to day-to-day operations of marketing running smoothly.

SaaS Start-Up Product Marketing Manager
Product Marketing Manager

Years experience needed: 6
Cost: $90,000

The Product Marketing Manager (PMM) is the CMO’s eyes and ears within the market. Before products can be launched or campaigns executed, they’re developing messaging to strike a nerve with your ideal buyers. They research the market, position your product, enable sales, and develop the go-to-market strategy for the business.

SaaS Start-Up Marketing Campaign Manager
Marketing Campaign Manager

Years experience needed: 5
Cost: $75,000

The Marketing Campaign Manager is responsible for working with the PMM and the MOM to plan, execute, and manage campaigns - from customer acquisition to peer review generation. They’re in meetings with the PMM to brief sales on campaigns, capture ideas, write emails and landing pages, and are key to SaaS go-to-market.

SaaS Content Marketing Manager
Content Marketing Manager

Years experience needed: 5
Cost: $75,000

The Content Marketing Manager (CMM) is typically an ex-journalist or English major who loves blogs, eBooks, webinars, and podcasts that get under readers' skin by working with the PMM. They own the content strategy, create and optimize content, build an editorial calendar, and work with the digital manager to distribute it.

SaaS Digital Marketing Manager
Digital Marketing Manager

Years experience needed: 5
Cost: $75,000

The Digital Marketing Manager (DMM) is responsible for developing and implementing digital strategies to help the PMM, CMM, and MCM create awareness, generate leads, and grow MRR. They’ll have a strong background in SEO and/or PPC and own digital strategy to use marketing tech, budget, and marketing content.

That totals

Six team members

$530,000 in salary

But doesn’t include a learning and development budget, nor wider package costs such as 401k and health insurance

Comparing theorytwenty7 To An In-House Team

  theorytwenty7-tag-logo Internal
CMO We 130,000
MOM charge 85,000
PMM a 90,000
MCM subscription 75,000
CMM each 75,000
DMM month 75,000
TOTAL $24,192 - 102,480 $530,000
  • Building internally takes time, know-how, and patience
  • Building one is often rushed, equalling poor hiring
  • theorytwenty has no hidden costs, e.g.  benefits packages
  • theorytwenty7 is your marketing team - it’s as simple as that
  • theorytwenty7 has knowledge and experience in each role
  • We help you map and recruit the internal team to scale with

Ready To Switch?

Building your team make sense, but is now the right time?

Book a call with us today to discuss how we can establish the foundations for your team.


James Milsom SaaS marketing team builder