SaaS Affiliate Marketing That Adds MRR

Help bring down customer acquisition costs by building your customer base using the channel - from affiliates, partners, and marketplaces. Get started on your SaaS affiliate programs today to unlock next level MRR.

Use Affiliates To Boost Your SaaS Growth

We know it's hard for SaaS companies to access a new route to market. Affiliates, partners, and marketplaces offer that and more.

With a partnership mindset, you'll access a world of leads you wouldn't have, lower acquisition costs, and create a fanbase of users who shout from the mountain about you.

SaaS affiliate program support that...
is great for:

executing a SaaS affiliate marketing strategy that lowers your CAC.

bundles with:
affiliate program plan

We ensure you've got a top SaaS affiliate program using best practices.

We find the right marketplaces
We Find Right-Fit Marketplaces

We help you choose from a world of marketplaces to drive passive MRR.

We find affiliates
We Build Partner Networks

We find partners that work for you and get them to deliver value.

We help position
We Set

We set positioning and pricing that works for your program.

Tiering partners
We Tier

We incentivize partners by offering TLC and campaign support based on MRR.

Product launch site
Set Placements

We set up your listings on AppSumo and Product Hunt, plus Redditus.

We promote

No partner or affiliate program is complete without content for your network.

Experience You Can Trust For
SaaS Channel Marketing

CBInsights quote on product market fit

76% of CEOs think that their current business model will be unrecognizable in five years and (partner) ecosystems are the number one reason why. No one can do it alone.

Jay McBain

How Our SaaS Affiliate Support Helps

Establishing a channel function for your SaaS revenue go-to-market must follow a process that builds an ecosystem.

From people who champion your software to selling it, there's a way to factor in influencers, advocates, consultants, and service providers to add passive MRR to your P&L.


Affiliate, Partner, and Marketplace Strategy

We begin with understanding what you want to do with the channel. Affiliates, partners, and marketplaces are all different parts of an indirect sales ecosystem. We'll help you to choose the best fit.

With this, we'll develop programs that help you to penetrate these areas.


Partner Program

We develop a partner program that clarifies what you expect from partners, the three tiers they'll fit into, and what perks they get for their efforts.

With a partner program set up, you can forecast its growth and how that revenue will support your bottom line.


Affiliate System Set Up

Knowing how you want your affiliate system to work is important when focusing on them. We'll give advice on achieving that with Redditus and PartnerStack.

And we'll support you in knowing how to make commissions work for both of you.


Marketplace Plan

We help choose the right marketplaces to feature your product based on that product and market fit. From AppSumo to the App Store, we'll advise.

With this set, we'll create and manage your profile, and run promotional ads when it's the right time


Campaign Support

We provide support to your partners with SWAG packs, white-labeling content, running co-marketed events and webinars, and all the bells and whistles their partner status deserves,

We keep your affiliates and partners happy and engaged in your SaaS product.


Network Expansion

What partner and affiliate network is complete? None. There's always room to grow.

We help you find more influencers, service providers, and advocates so that the channel's indirect MRR flywheel keeps spinning.

SaaS product launch semrush certificate

Affiliates [are an] agile and cost-effective market penetration strategy...[because they] can introduce SaaS products to segments they might not have reached.

Affiliate And Partners Tech Stack

Building a partner and affiliate program and getting put on marketplaces takes a tech stack to support building, engaging, and rewarding your partners.

How Our SaaS Affiliate Marketing Solution Helps

Get the channel and your partner, affiliate, and marketplace programs going with the theorytwenty7 solution that: 

Offers a low-cost, low-effort route to market for passive MRR

Creates fans, advocates, and partners that love your product

Increases your reach into market segments that are tough to break

Leverages the power of the channel network to boost your brand visibility

Enhances market perception and build your credibility

Results That Roar


$170k MRR In Four Years For US Strategy Software Vendor

  • 100% increase in SQLs YoY x4 years
  • 98% retention rate
  • 90+ search visibility for niche keywords
  • 5+ G2 category award wins
Pluxee_Logo_HR Software

Establishing UK+I HR and Sales Software Vendor As Thought Leader In Two Categories

  • 67% decrease in cost per lead
  • 83% increase in organic traffic YoY
  • Re-brand of 7 different entities
  • HubSpot marketing and sales implementation
AQA data quality software

Finding Product-Market-Fit For US and EMEA Data PLG SaaS Solution

  • Early customer profile market research
  • PLG implementation
  • Key account win from market leaders in Cloud Services
Glide cloud software and connectivity

$340k MRR for Cloud Software and Connectivity Via Inbound Marketing

  • 133% increase in SQLs YoY
  • $340k MRR in four years
  • 71% increase in organic traffic <1 year
  • Telecom category award wins in 2018 & 2020
purpleseven ticketing software

Established Lead Generation For UK and APAC Ticketing Software Vendor

  • 20% increase in inbound SQLs within a year
  • Implemented CRM and automation
  • Lead scoring and positioning development
  • Content development and MQL nurturing

Build Your SaaS Affiliate Ecosystem Today

Take your first step to creating a strong partner, affiliate, and marketplace ecosystem by booking a discovery call with theorytwenty7 today.

James Milsom SaaS affiliate marketing support

SaaS Affiliate And Partner Solution FAQs

  • We start with a discovery call to help understand your goals, and then look at what you want to do - affiliates, partners, and marketplaces - to support this.

  • Product marketplaces are like a game. You can win the game sooner if you pay, but we'll want to leverage partners, influencers, and your website to raise organic awareness alongside running ads.

  • theorytwenty7 is a subscription service, designed to group complementary marketing solutions. But, individual solutions can be bought or added on. Book a call for more.

  • Your product team and senior revenue team members are a must. These people will be identified in the planning phase of the strategy.

  • Our affiliate solution is for the planning, execution, and optimization of running affiliates, partners, and marketplace efforts. The cost of any form of subscription or advertising costs are from your budget.