B2B SaaS Lead Generation

Every SaaS company needs a great lead generation strategy to convert the warmest of leads. Kickstart your lead gen with us.

More Than Another B2B SaaS Lead Generation Agency

Lead generation is a proven way to nurture your CRM into MRR as part of effective SaaS marketing.

Using processes for lead qualification, automation, and content buyers care about across their journey, you'll have MQLs ready to convert.

That's more SaaS leads in discoveries, trials, and demos every month.

The SaaS lead gen company that...
is great for:

turning your database into a pipeline o conversations that sales rep crave.

bundles with:

HubSpot and our Demand Generation solutions.

Focus on generating leads
We Focus

We help sales reps focus on the right leads for your B2B SaaS product.

We empower sales teams
We Empower

We help sales leverage CRM data to guide their lead prospecting.

Content that leads love
We Leverage

We create high-value content to drive inbound lead generation.

We maximize ROI through lead gen
We Maximize

We leverage HubSpot to give reps the right leads based on lead scoring and prioritization.

Where leads go, so do we
We Deliver Cross

We use ads, social, and email to keep you top of mind with prospects when they're ready.

Experience You Can Trust For SaaS Lead Gen Marketing

B2B Lead Gen Marketing Qualifications
Semrush lead generation certificate
Semrush PR link building for lead gen certificate
Semrush SEO for lead gen
Inbound Marketing Certificate HubSpot 2023
Content Marketing Certificate HubSpot 2023
Frictionless Sales Certificate HubSpot 2023
Digital Advertising Certificate HubSpot 2023
Marketo quote

Companies that nurture leads generate 50% more sales at 33% lower costs.

What Our Lead Gen Solution Does

Your buyers spend 80% of their time hidden. So, when they show themselves, you need to strike.

We start with a lead generation strategy connected to SEO, ads, and demand generation.

From there, we use email, social, and your sales reps (or a theorytwenty7 partner rep) to call leads to generate sales bookings.


Marketing x Sales

We map revenue processes to align work and goals  with lead gen targets.

No leads are wasted thanks to improved communication, leading to higher conversion rates and revenue generation.


Landing Pages

We use landing pages, content, and surveys to get lead info and nurture leads.

By continuously building a picture of your prospects, you'll use the best practices in lead gen to bring the right people into your CRM.


Email Nurture and Sequencing

We create nurture emails to secure bookings, chase no-shows, and support trial prospects to keep your pipeline engaged.

You’ll automatically engage leads, build trust, and guide them to buying.


12-24-Month Nurture Content

We’ll support this with a 12–24-month nurture content plan and delivery to ensure a long-term, sustained lead generation strategy.

With a calendar, you’ll have fresh content to keep your leads seeing your name.


Advertising Strategy and Execution

We incorporate ads to get leads back to your site, targeting your MQLs.

With a monthly budget of $3,000-$7,000 to use on sites your buyers visit, we’ll push—and keep—a strong stream of prospects in your lead nurturing.


Inside Sales / SDR Support

We’ll work with sales reps to ensure MQLs meet their needs.

Collaboration means marketing-generated leads get followed up on, increasing the likelihood of securing a demo and new customers.

gartner quote

When buyers compare multiple suppliers‚
the amount of time spent with one sales
may be only 5% or 6%.

Inside A Lead Gen Tech Stack

From email nurturing to social outreach, here’s what a lead gen stack looks like at a tech start-up:

How We Help With Lead Generation

Build short-medium term interest in your product by capturing the information of your audience, nurturing and profiling to create MQLs and SQLs with the theorytwenty7 solution that:

Increases lead quantity and quality by attracting highly relevant traffic, which is more likely to convert to MRR

Empowers sales to tap into a list of leads who know and love your brand so that they can do what they do best - generate MRR

Shortens your sales cycle with a consistent pipe of leads

Uses data to improve the identification, nurture, and conversion of MQLs

Results That Roar


$170k MRR In Four Years For US Strategy Software Vendor

  • 100% increase in SQLs YoY x4 years
  • 98% retention rate
  • 90+ search visibility for niche keywords
  • 5+ G2 category award wins
Pluxee_Logo_HR Software

Establishing UK+I HR and Sales Software Vendor As Thought Leader In Two Categories

  • 67% decrease in cost per lead
  • 83% increase in organic traffic YoY
  • Re-brand of 7 different entities
  • HubSpot marketing and sales implementation
AQA data quality software

Finding Product-Market-Fit For US and EMEA Data PLG SaaS Solution

  • Early customer profile market research
  • PLG implementation
  • Key account win from market leaders in Cloud Services
Glide cloud software and connectivity

$340k MRR for Cloud Software and Connectivity Via Inbound Marketing

  • 133% increase in SQLs YoY
  • $340k MRR in four years
  • 71% increase in organic traffic <1 year
  • Telecom category award wins in 2018 & 2020
purpleseven ticketing software

Established Lead Generation For UK and APAC Ticketing Software Vendor

  • 20% increase in inbound SQLs within a year
  • Implemented CRM and automation
  • Lead scoring and positioning development
  • Content development and MQL nurturing

Generate More Leads Today

Discover how our tech lead generation solution fills your pipe with more qualified leads by booking a discovery call with theorytwenty7 today.

James Milsom SaaS Lead Generation Expert

Lead Generation Solution FAQs

  • We start with a discovery call to help understand your goals, and then look at how lead generation can be ran alongside other initiatives, such as HubSpot and demand generation.

  • Lead generation is dependent on your database size and knowing your ideal buyers – which is why lead gen always works well with product marketing. You can generate SQLs within one to two months, providing your MQLs meet conversion requirements.

  • theorytwenty7 is a subscription service, designed to group complementary marketing solutions. But, individual solutions can be bought or added on. Book a call for more.

  • Lead generation typically involves sales, but it is recommended to have an SDR to support prospecting via social and phone. These people will be identified in the planning phase of the strategy.

  • No. But, we do support in-house SDRs or theorytwenty7 trusted partners, defining processes, shadowing calls, and supporting with setting up social outreach and sales sequences.

  • Our lead generation solution is for the planning, execution, and optimization of a lead generation program. The cost of any form of subscription, such as using HubSpot, Gong, or sales intelligence tool like Apollo, and any cost of adverts or Direct Mail, is from your budget.