Marketing For Pre-Revenue SaaS

Tech is always evolving, so finding your footing is hard. Whether in stealth mode or pre-revenue, SaaS thrives on great marketing. 

Here's how we help pre-revenue SaaS vendors to get their first MRR.

Why Is It Hard To Create Revenue?

Poor Fit

Finding product-market fit is a never-ending journey and one that you need to devote time to. But sometimes we think with our hearts, not our heads, and we don't go through the right process.

Limited Resources

Your budgets and free time are lean. You don't have the marketing team to support your goals, so you get stuck in planning but never executing.  You're tired of wasting dollars on bad marketing.

SaaS Inexperience

When you're a start-up, everyone stretches to cover responsibilities that aren't in their wheelhouse. Worse yet, there's little time to fail, learn, and improve from those perfectly natural mistakes.

Exhausted Network

You need to create more demand for your product, and your network is where you naturally find initial leads. But there's only so many connections and events that you can go to before you hit a wall.

A Marketing Engine That Earns Bucks

At pre-revenue, what you do and how you do it matters. We become part of your founding team, helping you find and prove product market fit that creates MRR.

Helping pre-revenue and stealth start-ups launch
Preparing Your

Getting your product to market means being ruthless with time. We set launch foundations that allow you to focus on the product.

How we help you launch

Helping pre-revenue and stealth start-ups find early customers
Finding Early

Finding customers who support your journey from MVP to launch matters, pre-revenue. We help you find those early customers.

How we help you find customers

Helping people buy into pre-revenue and stealth start-up vision
Working With

Working with people who buy into your vision is crucial. We bring a skin-in-the-game mentality that helps you trust in us.

How we help you scale

Helping pre-revenue and stealth start-ups get product market fit
Proving Product-Market Fit

Leaving founder-led sales is vital. We use inbound and outbound marketing to create leads that prove product-market fit.

How we help you create leads

Marketing That Fuels Results

theorytwenty7 customers logos

An idea is nothing until it's done

SaaS Founder

How We Help Pre-Revenue SaaS

Marketing that gets early buyers, improve your product, and get your first dollar.


theorytwenty7 tech marketing marketing solutions


Get going

The basics - hand in glove fit, what does your buyer want, how can you deliver it, and why should they choose your product?

Fractional marketing team
Marketing Set Up

Get it right the first time by setting up the marketing function for success, including a future hiring roadmap.

Pre-revenue stealth start-up product market fit
Product Launch

Get your product to market with a plan that finds your early customer profile and gets revenue through the door.

Inbound marketing for pre-revenue saas
Inbound Marketing

Attract, engage, and delight early buyers with inbound ​marketing that creates long-term relationships.

Stealth startup SaaS demand generation
Demand Generation

With your proposition set, we'll go through 90-day growth sprints to understand what tactics drive leads.

SaaS SEO marketing

We'll build / optimize your website to help drive organic, search engine traffic to your product as a growth channel.​

marketing saas metrics and kpis
Reporting and Analytics

Measure, act, and succeed with marketing reporting and analytics that ensure you can always see ROI.

Get your stealth start up growing with theorytwenty7


Get growing

Get ready to get more leads, more buyers, and more MRR into your business.

fractional saas marketing team
Marketing Set Up

Get it right the first time by setting up the marketing function for success, including a future hiring roadmap.

Pre-revenue stealth start-up product market fit
Product Launch

Get your product to market with a plan that finds your early customer profile and gets revenue through the door

Inbound marketing for pre-revenue saas
Inbound Marketing

Attract, engage, and delight early buyers with inbound ​marketing that creates long-term relationships.

Stealth startup SaaS demand generation
Demand Generation

With your proposition set, we'll go through 90-day growth sprints to understand what tactics drive leads.

SaaS SEO marketing

We'll build / optimize your website to help drive organic, search engine traffic to your product as a growth channel.​

pre-revenue SaaS Google and LinkedIn ads
Paid Ads

Boost the traffic to your site with ads across Google, LinkedIn, and X to your early customer profile.

Channel marketing SaaS pre-revenue
Partners and Marketplaces

Lower your early customer acquisition costs by leveraging the channel - affiliates, partners, and marketplaces.

pre-revene saas marketing kpi metrics
Reporting and Analytics

Measure, act, and succeed with marketing reporting and analytics that ensure you can always see ROI.

theorytwenty7 tech marketing advanced marketing solutions


Get professional

Sustain your marketing engine with extra layers to pull in more MRR from customers and even more prospects.

fractional saas marketing team
Marketing Set Up

Get it right the first time by setting up the marketing function for success, including a future hiring roadmap.

Pre-revenue stealth start-up product market fit
Product Launch

Get your product to market with a plan that finds your early customer profile and gets revenue through the door​.

Inbound Marketing

Attract, engage, and delight early buyers with inbound ​marketing that creates long-term relationships.

Stealth startup SaaS demand generation
Demand Generation

With your proposition set, we'll go through 90-day growth sprints to understand what tactics drive leads.

SaaS SEO marketing

We'll build / optimize your website to help drive organic, search engine traffic to your product as a growth channel.​

pre-revenue SaaS Google and LinkedIn ads
Paid Ads

Boost the traffic to your site with ads across Google, LinkedIn, and X to your early customer profile.

Lower your early customer acquisition costs by leveraging the channel - affiliates, partners, and marketplaces.
Partners and Marketplaces

Lower your early customer acquisition costs by leveraging the channel - affiliates, partners, and marketplaces.

SaaS Customer Marketing
Customer Marketing

Turn your early customers into champions with marketing that shows how your customers see value in your product.

Analyst Relations SaaS
Analyst Relations

Take to analysts and create momentum and feedback around your product to build your investment case.

pre-revenue saas marketing kpi metrics
Reporting and Analytics

Measure, act, and succeed with marketing reporting and analytics that ensure you can always see ROI.

What Our Pre-Revenue SaaS Marketing Support Means

Bootstrapping doesn't mean going it alone. Work with theorytwenty7 on your marketing, and you'll have a growth engine that:

Uses lean start-up principles to find your early customers

Goes beyond relying on your LinkedIn network to create demand

Finds the right marketing strategies tactics to sustain growth

Supports investment conversations with proof of product-market fit

Gives back the time to focus on product, customers, and engaging analysts

Delivers on-going coaching to increase your marketing knowledge

Results That Roar


$170k MRR In Four Years For US Strategy Software Vendor

  • 100% increase in SQLs YoY x4 years
  • 98% retention rate
  • 90+ search visibility for niche keywords
  • 5+ G2 category award wins
Pluxee_Logo_HR Software

Establishing UK+I HR and Sales Software Vendor As Thought Leader In Two Categories

  • 67% decrease in cost per lead
  • 83% increase in organic traffic YoY
  • Re-brand of 7 different entities
  • HubSpot marketing and sales implementation
AQA data quality software

Finding Product-Market-Fit For US and EMEA Data PLG SaaS Solution

  • Early customer profile market research
  • PLG implementation
  • Key account win from market leaders in Cloud Services
Glide cloud software and connectivity

$340k MRR for Cloud Software and Connectivity Via Inbound Marketing

  • 133% increase in SQLs YoY
  • $340k MRR in four years
  • 71% increase in organic traffic <1 year
  • Telecom category award wins in 2018 & 2020
purpleseven ticketing software

Established Lead Generation For UK and APAC Ticketing Software Vendor

  • 20% increase in inbound SQLs within a year
  • Implemented CRM and automation
  • Lead scoring and positioning development
  • Content development and MQL nurturing

Choose Your Plan

Whatever the budget, there's a plan that gives you the marketing support to get that first taste of MRR.


Save 5%Quarterly

Save 10%Annually



$22 per month

Everything you need to:

Find product market fit

Determine what tactics drive leads

Build organic traffic through content

Get your marketing roadmap set

Most popular


$22 per month

Everything you need to:

Find product market fit

Determine what tactics drive leads

Build organic traffic through content

Drive traffic faster with ads

Create a channel route to market

Get your marketing roadmap set



$22 per month

Everything you need to:

Find product market fit

Determine what tactics drive leads

Build organic traffic through content

Drive traffic faster with ads

Create a channel route to market

Capture feedback and validation from your customers

Engage with analysts and build a strong funding case with investors

Get your marketing roadmap set

Let's Start Growing Together

Start working with theorytwenty7 today by booking a discovery call about your SaaS product.

Or, if you're ready to subscribe, hit the button below!

James Milsom Pre-revenue stealth saas Marketing Consultant